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The healthcare platform Plataforma por la Sanidad 100×100 Pública y de Calidad has protested at the hospital in Torrevieja. The organisation states that expenditure per inhabitant in this healthcare district is among the lowest in the region, despite strong population growth due to tourism. Vega Baja now has 390,228 inhabitants, an increase of 58.5% since 2000, but healthcare facilities are lagging behind.
Torrevieja has 213,500 registered inhabitants, but due to seasonal residents the population increases to over 750,000 in the summer. In 2023 the healthcare budget was 218.9 million euros, which equates to 1,026 euros per registered inhabitant. With a full population calculation this drops to 900 euros per person, while the regional average is 1,586 euros.
Deficiencies in healthcare infrastructure
The district is struggling with serious health care problems, partly due to 15 years of private management. Since the reintegration into the public system, structural shortcomings have become apparent: outdated primary care, a hospital without a pathology laboratory, the lowest number of beds per inhabitant and lack of space for medical facilities.
In 2023, the previous government set aside 17.3 million euros for urgent improvements. The new government reduced this amount to 1.1 million and postponed investments, despite the increasing pressure on healthcare.
Long waiting lists and growth in privatization
Due to capacity problems, waiting times for GP care, specialist treatments and operations are increasing. This leads to a greater dependency on private healthcare institutions.
The healthcare platform, supported by six thousand signatories, has asked the regional government for additional investment and requested a meeting with the Minister of Health. The organisation demands equal healthcare facilities for Torrevieja, in line with the rest of the Comunidad Valenciana.
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Written by: Redactie
care platform protest Torrevieja
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